Worship Set 1
Holy is the Lord
Welcome & Greet/ Announcements
Worship Set 2
From the Inside Out
Exalted (Yahwah)
Message: People Jesus Met (Human Rejection)
The creative element was a video interpretation of the leper's story from Max Lucado's "The Touch of God", that our media team created. The leader of the media team is a very talented artist (as well as having mad skilz with percussion). He read it and drew charcoal pictures.
We then spent a lot of time focusing on one of the orphanages we sponsor in Russia and offered people the opportunity to sponsor the remaining children who do not have sponsors at this time. Two years ago we sponsored 60 children (all the children at the orphanage at that time). Today about 30 additional children were sponsored. Man, I love my church family!
Leper Video (have to post later, hopefully by creative fuZion on Thursday.)
Orphan Video
Russia Missions - Arbazh Orphanage from CrossCurrent Ministries on Vimeo
Worship Set 3 (time of reflection while people prayed over the sponsor packages and registered.) Amazing Love
Holy is the King
This is part of the awesome sharing from worship leaders and others at Fred McKinnon's totally blitzed out Sunday Set List blog carnival.
the last post
1 month ago
Great set list
Thanks for sharing!
Love From the Inside Out!
Cool--what video from max?
Love "From the inside out"! I've seen this one pop up quite a bit this week.
It's not a video from Max. It is a video interpretation of the leper's story from "The Touch of God", taht our media team created.
The leader of the media team is a very talented artist (as well as having mad skilz with percussion).
Check out this new Christian band that just released their first album. From what I heard on the samples site, they sound really good.
Introducing the new Christian National Anthem: Guns & Jesus.
Tell All!!!
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