Today and the upcoming weeks are going to be tough for me.
My baby brother (37), is going in for a heart cath this morning. This is in preparation for open heart surgery in a few weeks to repair a prolapsed heart valve. I do trust in God and know Brice is in His hands and I praise God that they even found this problem, with him being so young. I mostly thank God that He is in my life. I can't even begin to imagine not having God in my life during this season.
But, I am still fearful. I certainly didn't get a lot of sleep last night. We just lost my dad this past Christmas, after years of heart complications. His first massive heart attack occurred on the table during a heart cath. This lead to a quintuple-by-pass, a MRSA (very serious), 80% congestive heart failure, deafness and much, much more over the last 12 years. I praise God he is no longer suffering and I am thankful for the years we did have to reconcile our relationship.
We also lost my mom-in-law to the very same complication of a heart cath a couple years ago. It was a very short six month journey from heart cath, MRSA, which was what eventually killed her.
I know a lot of this fear I am feeling is related to my dad's and mom-in law's history. I realize as I write this, it is the MRSA that concerns me the most. I know that the procedure is fairly safe, I just have had some very bad personal experiences with the heart cath. Two, too close to home.
I am also worried about my mom who isn't handling this well at all. She has been through so much.
Honestly, I really wish I was Indianapolis today. Instead I will be slinging drinks at Starbucks.
God is good, all the time...
Thanks for letting me share...
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1 month ago
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