Simple, very simple service today.
Worship Set 1
Unchanging is the Lord
Welcome & Greet
Special Song
Stars (w/ our worship leader shared a short moment about an encounter with a skeptic on the airplane this Christmas)
Worship Set 2
Grace Like Rain
This is Our God
Worship Set 3
Mighty to Save
I am so thankful we have a pre-service for leaders.
Today it allowed me to be free to minister to someone during worship.
I went looking because during worship, there was someone who was obviously overwhelmed with emotion during the second worship set. Sadly, she wound up leaving, but she is a regular, so we will be able to follow up with her.
But, while out in the lobby I found a young pregnant mother in tears. Her husband is military, so they are only stationed here for a year, they are having a baby soon, far away from their families and she is very shy and is trying to connect with mothers here, particularly to help out when the baby is born (they already have two very young boys). And she just found out she is having another boy, when she desperately wants to have a little girl. We sat, talked, and prayed together.
A lot of you also used to do Creative Chaos on Thursday at Carlos Whitacker's blog Ragamuffin Soul. Sadly, it stopped a couple months ago. I wrote Los and have been praying and have decided to start hosting a blog carnival on Thursday called "creative fuZion".
Thank you all for being His hands as your serve...
This is part of the Sunday Set List blog carnival on Fred McKinnon's blog. It a wonderful group of people that share and care about the worship experience. Make sure you visit today.
the last post
1 month ago
thanks for the comment!
can you explain a little about your "pre-service"? it's an intriguing idea...the worship team misses out on so much during our services...i'd love to hear what you're doing!
Awesome setlist! I love Mighty to Save. We will be doing that next week?
I agree with Matt I'd like to hear more about your pre-service. Sounds like a great idea!
@Matt and Steff: Pre-service is for the leadership and teams (children's ministry, connections and food team, etc.) working that particular weekend.
It's a time of worship (15 mins.), the pastor gives a very short recap (10 mins.) of what his message is going to be) and we pray (15-20 mins.).
Granted the worship team and pastor still have to "work", but it's a lot more relaxed atmosphere.
Each week it varies who we pray for, this week it was for the people worshipping with us today (particularly the skeptics), the children's ministries (who were starting a new series on sin), the tech team and our pastor.
Even if I am not serving that weekend, I'll often join in. It always great, leaders are seemingly always ready to step into worship and prayer. The pray is the most amazing part.
If we have communion that Sunday, we also partake then.
That's neat that you were able to minister to that woman. Our God is Mighty to Save. Powerful thought, powerful song.
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