Welcome to "creative fuZion lab" at designing for Philistines (on Thursdays)...
Once upon a time there was a blog kingdom where freaky creatives could share the chaos created in their minds for THE Kingdom. Sadly, it went away.
Yet the creative minds keep blogging.Now there is a place to share all those creative elements again at the creative fuZion lab on Thursdays. So here’s what you do…
1. Each Thursday YOU post on your blog on whatever creative church element sparks your passion.
2. In your blog, link back to this weeks specific creative fuZion lab.
3. Then post the link to your particular post at the NEW Mr. Linky below.
4. Then come back and comment. If you don’t blog yet, still feel free to share your idea in the comments.
5. Then off you go. Go visit other people’s ideas, comment and share.
6. Ready to begin? Here we go. Let the creative fuZion begin.
Spread the Word.
Dorothy (vicar of vibe)
Being such a young church, this is the first year XC has done any ancient/modern services.
We did both an interactive Passover Seder and a Tenebrae service.
The word ‘tenebrae’ is Latin for shadows.
The purpose of the Tenebrae service is to recreate the emotional aspects of the passion story. It is not supposed to be a joyful service, because this moment in time was not triumphant.
The purpose of the service is to recreate the betrayal, abandonment, and agony of the events and it is left unfinished, because the story isn’t over until the Resurrection on Easter.
Prepare your heart.
Come; experience the darkness before the light.
He has not yet risen.
How it all played out:
Cello bags were handed out as people entered the auditorium. They contained a black strip of cloth and a nail.
(We asked that people wear the black cloth around their neck and hold the nail in their hand during worship)
Instrumental Opener
(Instruments: acoustic guitar, keyboard, cello and percussion)
Worship Set 1:
Sing to the King
Welcome & Greet
Worship Set 2:
Here I am to Worship
Scene 1: Words of Institution - Chris E.
Scene 2: Communion (partake together)
Worship Set 2:
Carried to the Table (Leeland) (sung during communion)
Scene 3: Reader 1:
Father forgive them…
Reader: Covers first candle.
Creative element: Reader walks up to Cross with mallet and large nails, hammers nails into cross.
Scene 4: Reader 2:
I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.
Reader: Covers second candle
Creative element: Experiential movement of congregation hanging the black cloths on the Cross. Several mournful cello solo’s were played during this portion.
Scene 5: Reader 3:
Dear woman, here is your son, and to the disciple, Here is your mother.
Reader: Covers third candle.
Creative element: Start with the image created of Mary and baby from the Christmas Crescendo. Melissa Genter singing “Mary Did You Know?”.
Scene 6: Reader 4:
Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?
Reader: Covers fourth candle.
Creative element: Eloi - Special Song - April Eads
Scene 7: Reader 5:
I thirst.
Reader: Covers fifth candle.
(Short spoken piece Narrator, directions)
Creative element: [Experiential/Interactive: go to tables to partake vinegar water.] This is executed in silence.
Scene 8: Reader 6:
Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.
Reader: Covers sixth candle.
Scene 9: Transition: “Why” sung live by April
Dramatic movement piece interpreting the song “Why”
Scene 10: Reader 7:
It is finished.
Reader: Covers seventh candle.
Scene 11: [All lights are extinguished at this point; we sit in complete and total darkness,
THUNDER (percussion) 30 seconds-pause 30 seconds.}
Scene 12: Teaching moment about the sufficiency of the Cross.
Bridge (with alter call) - Chris Eads
Scene 13: Celebration
Worship Set 4
In Christ Alone
Wonderful Cross
Blessed Be Your Name
Several elements weren’t completed. I learned it doesn’t matter what position the person holds, they still needed to followed up with to insure that they are on task.
Some elements were dropped out and rearranged at the last moment. This created back to back elements of “just sit and listen to people sing” moments.
We are already planning on doing a Tenebrae service again next year.
How was your Palm Sunday?
the last post
1 month ago
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