Welcome to "creative fuZion lab" at designing for Philistines (on Thursdays)...
Once upon a time there was a blog kingdom where freaky creatives could share the chaos created in their minds for THE Kingdom. Sadly, it went away.
Yet the creative minds keep blogging.
Now there is a place to share all those creative elements again at the creative fuZion lab on Thursdays. So here’s what you do…
1. Each Thursday YOU post on your blog on whatever creative church element sparks your passion.
2. In your blog, link back to this weeks specific creative fuZion lab.
3. Then post the link to your particular post at the NEW Mr. Linky below.
4. Then come back and comment. If you don’t blog yet, still feel free to share your idea in the comments.
5. Then off you go. Go visit other people’s ideas, comment and share.
6. Ready to begin? Here we go. Let the creative fuZion begin.
Spread the Word.
Dorothy (vicar of vibe)
This took a lot of research and prayer. Especially to insure that we covered all the main portions of the traditional Passover Seder and which elements to incorporate experiential elements for congregational interaction.
We purchased a children’s Haggadah (it was Jewish, not Messianic) and pulled out the various elements and decided on 4 experiential elements. Everything was prepared for 300 participants.
Our pastor and one of our congregants (a Messianic Jew) lead the Seder from the stage.
I wasn’t able to be there for the actual Seder that Sunday, but many said it was a great experience.
Particularly moving to me where a couple of Messianic Jews who commented on how much it impacted them. Very, very cool.
If you plan on doing a Passover Seder, I’d highly recommend purchasing a Messianic Haggadah and using someone who is very familiar with an actual Passover Seder. It will save you a LOT of time.
If you have any futher questions on details, I’d be happy to answer any questions.
Here is the outline (order of service) we used. Experiential elements are noted in bold red.
Bridge into Seder: Chametz prayers before and after (together),
Mention Chametz removal (yeast + sin, Christ is sinless),
light candle (And candle prayer),
Opening Seder prayer, explanation of symbols
Explanation of symbols and Passover teaching:
Blessing for Wine Cup (#1)
Leaders: Drink wine
Leader will symbolically wash his hands.
Blessing (karpas): Explanation to congregants what they are to do
Experiential movement #1 Dipping of Celery in Salt water.
Worship Set 2 (2 songs related to seeking God) Breathe
Breaking of Matzo (not eaten) done symbolically by the pastor
Story of the Passover
We decided against this clip. Too silly for the serious mood we were creating. But, funny...
Message of symbolism of Christ as THE Passover Lamb.
The protection of His blood (on the threshold),
Responsive reading Dayenu! This is cool. We adapted it for our service.
Worship Set 3
Cover matzo, raise (second) cup of wine PRAYER, then drink the wine (lean to the left)
Shank Bone (explain the shank bone)
Blessing over Matzah (explanation while passing -
while Chris teaches and HOLD the matzah; take together
Reading, eat while lean to the left...
Blessing over Maror (horseradish)
Explanation of what is happening: go to the table dip lettuce in horseradish and charoset.
Experiential movement #2 to table eat them together
Had a sign on each table (and front doors of auditorium) listing INGREDIENTS in the charoset in case of nut allergies.
Ingredients in the charoset we made:
Worship Set 5 (related to freedom)
Blessing of the (#3 Redemption Cup and 4 combined) cup of wine Pass (wine)
Blessing of the (#) Cup of Wine; everyone partakes of the wine...
Explanation of the Egg
the last post
1 month ago
1 comment:
Thanks for doing this Dorothy. I'm exhausted--heading to bed.
Notes will be up on Box. net soon
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