Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Set List //19// the challenge...

We are on a journey from God, through our pastors, staff and leadership to get back to basics.

"love God, love other's, serve the word..."

I produced this weekend. Worship was wonderful, but what really seems to have our team on fire is our Saturday morning devotionals.
Very interesting.
Last week: bouncing ball of distraction...
This week: Poetry and silence (posting tomorrow)
See when we actually take the time to "seek God" first all the other things of life seem to fall into place.
So with that in mind, here are the songs we sang yesterday at XC.
Worship Set 1
You Are My God
Worship Set 2
The Time Has Come
Video - Swiffer Commercial (hysterical) waiting for a copy to post...
Worship Set 3
All I Want is You (Spoken Word)
From The Inside Out

I've also been hearing it in other worship leaders out there. When was the last time you took time to truly focus on simply resting in God? I challenge you to do so...
No really I mean it...

This post is in cooperation with other worship leaders and worshippers across the world at Sunday Set Lists on Fred McKinnon's blog. Come join us...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ouch. Your probing query hits home this week. I was mostly in autopilot mode, since we had a special speaker. He plays, so I knew he'd sit in with us. That's cool. Plus, I knew that he'd want to do a set of his stuff. On top of preaching, extra music, yada yada, I kept it simple and got out of the way as quickly as possible.

Did I linger at all? Did I point anyone in God's direction or just do my gig and cut out? Did I even pause in His presence, let alone *rest*?

Ouch. (thanx)