Entice the skeptic, challenge the lukewarm and inspire the mature believer to new levels of passion...
I don’t think that “relevant” necessarily is the same thing everywhere you go.
Just six months ago, I was working with a group church plant from my current church, not 15 miles from here (Metro Washington D.C.) and it should have been flat out country western in flavor.
There is a place for all “styles” of worship. As long as it is authentic and designed to glorify God.
Personally for me, it’s rock worship.
For my youngest brother (37) it is vintage traditional (Presbyterian) complete with vaulted ceilings, choir loft, magnificent pipe organ, stained glass windows and classical (think Handel) worship.
The “style” of worship doesn’t matter as much as knowing “who” you are called to reach.
The “enticement” part for me is a sort of a tool to get them in the door. A connecting piece. Something that enables them to drop the wall of incredulity…
It also needs to be sincere, not merely manipulative.
Once they enter that space of worship they need to see genuine hearts worshiping God- our God of love and transformation.
God will handle the transformation.
We need to take what God has given us and work within that framework.
I spent many years as a lukewarm believer. There was a disconnect from my head to my heart. When I finally turned my life completely over to Christ is when I was radically transformed. I desperately wish that all people could know this place of transformation.
There is also a piece that involves increasing “mature believers” passion. To go beyond just feeding ourselves. Raising their level of passion, so that our hearts break for what breaks His.
All of this leads us back out into the world.
I truly believe in the great commission. Each and every one of us is called to “go”. Working at Starbucks is what works for me. I know I have far more God conversations at work, than I do anywhere else in my life. Maybe for others it’s an indie coffee house or being a bartender or competitive poker playing.
I merely find it amusing that God calls me into the land of piercings, tattoos and the disenfranchised. I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out God’s calling, I just go where He leads me.
What is your heart calling?
This is in response to my blogging buddy Chris at prophets and popstars comment on my post about the mind of the skeptic…
the last post
3 weeks ago
The whole "don't say to your brother, go, I wish you warm and well fed when..." you know the rest. That's the big ouch. Get off your behind and do something, because you have food and clothes to offer. The Word of God is alive and active, and His people are supposed to love in an alive and active way. This has been my conviction in action lately.
Amen to that...
Done Dorothy. Thank you so much. I will continue to pray for your family. If you do an update email, please add me to it. My email is mudandcoffeemail@gmail.com
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