We have an amazing lead electric guitarist who only is able to play every 4-6 weeks. We had him, a bass player, drums and our worship leader (playing both electric and acoustic).
No stage set today, everything was focused on a personal invitation to step into God.
Everyone received an actual invitation to the “Exclusive Club” along with “reserved” seating.
Worship Set 1
Blessed Be Your Name
Welcome & Greet
Our missionary to China spoke with a video- it was really cool.
Worship Set 2
Invitation to the wedding banquet – a spoken word about…
The Stand
Message: Jesus’ Kingdom Pt. 2: An Exclusive Club
Worship Set 3
Thank You
At other churches, I have often found musical interludes distracting for worship (just a me thing), but today was spot on. Everyone was worshiping so strongly through out. It was flat out sweet. I think it has to do with how much prayer our worship team puts into their offering.
I have a question: how do you handle musical interludes?
This is part of the Sunday Set List 13, blog carnival at Fred McKinnon's blog. A place where wroship leaders and worshipers alike share their SUnday Set lists.
I don't know exactly what an interlude would be like. We have lots of places where we'll place music for no other reason than to have some breathing room. If we were really brave, we'd have silence...now that would be an interlude.
It's so hard when you have that great player that can only be there every so often. I find it difficult to manage the 'oh, I wish so and so was here' effect. It makes whoever is there feel like-a-da liver dat has been chopped.
That's a cool theme... I might steal it for one of the children's programs.... LOL
I think musical interludes are great for worship as long as they're meant for worship. It's a maturing point for churches in worship. Great set. I love all those songs.
Musical interludes, like other have said, can be used in a varity of ways. We have some within a song and other times music is used during communion. We've also tried the silence interlude, we'll need to more of that for our folks to be comfortable with silence.
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