Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday set list #6...

Our awesome worship leader Mel (on the left).
I'll intro other band members in weeks to come...
Revelation, Pt. 5 "Heaven"
Sunday Set List: August 31, 2008
Set 1
O Praise Him
Sing to the King
-Meet and Greet
-Baby dedication: We have a lot of babies in our church and have a quarterly baby dedication.
Today was a special dedication-as the father of the baby is heading to Iraq in two weeks.Set 2
Dramatic Scripture reading
Revelation 21 & 22
Message: Revelation, Pt 5 "What Heaven Will Be Like"
This was a very emotional Sunday for our community. A long time member, Jeff Watkins went to be with God this week. A young man, only 35. His love and passion for God was an inspiration for all and now he is free of his severely disabled body and is running free with God.
Closing song
Agnus Dei
The worship sets really seemed to connect with people today. We always spend a focused time of prayer in our pre-service service (a mini-service for those serving on the weekend).
This also relates to our experiential set for the week (clouds). Which envolved a new element, projection onto the ceiling. We are working towards moving further in, further out and further up - in our worship experience.
How do you reach out to engage more senses than just the stage?


Michael J Mahoney said...

"O Praise Him." That is sooo cool. I'd love to do that one in service.

Gary Durbin said...

I need to bring out "Agnus Dei". That's such a timeless song.

Gary Durbin said...

Also, thanks for the comment. If you go to my youtube link on my blog, I have several of my tunes there. "Holy Reign" is actually one of them. Thanks again.