Sunday, January 2, 2011

capturing the convoluted process of creating a stage design idea…

This is the thought process for me, behind creating a stage design.
1. Read the synopsis: “Unpack the seven or eight identifiable attributes of spiritual maturity that we seek to gain; use the stories from (1st & 2nd Samuel, 1st & 2nd Kings, 1st & 2nd Chronicles) etc. to identify example of those who got maturity right, or those who didn’t as positive / negative reinforcement. “
2. Try to get more details. Ha, ha. That didn't work, until much later.
3. Prayer, lots of prayer…
4. Study 1st & 2nd Samuel. Re-read “Tale of Three Kings” (Gene Edwards) since I know our lead pastor really likes that book. I also recommend it. Study the “Relevant Word” (our study guide for the year). Based on this, it is a fairly safe bet that the teaching pastor will be covering Samuel/Saul/David...
5. Glean info: obedience, waiting on the Lord, & having total trust in God's intentions for
our lives. First two by prayer and reading, last one from an e-mail from the pastors wife.
Now go...what do you think the stage design should be?

6. EUREKA: An idea! A crown!
Now this is the part of the creative process I can't explain. It just happens. Input information and out pops an idea in my brain. I give all the credit God.

(fb friends, pictures here)

7. Draw out idea (I often do this on a Starbucks bag, during lunch at work).
8. Make a list of things to do.
9. Ask dear sweet hubby to get Coroplast in Springfield (1 ½ hrs)
This is my first time working with coroplast.
10. Measure twice, cut once.
11. Cut the crown out of the coroplast with a box cutter/utility knife and (drill/punch) details out. Ugh! Here is the point where I bemoan the fact I am not artistic or handy. I AM creative, but sometimes implementation is rough (face/palm).
12. Glue on details.
13. Finding gold spray paint (it may be in my garage or at the church offices). Finally found the spray paint. Hubby had hid it.
14. Paint it, let it dry…Remembered to wear gloves this time, so I don't have gold fingers and nails.
15. Get jewels. (Two stores. WalMart & Michaels)
16. Add additional detailing of jewels.
17. Get the crown in the car and transport it to the school (easier said than done)...
18. Get the tall ladder. Decided not to fly the crown, but just set it up above band.
19. Hang it up.. (forget that detail)
20. Ta! Da!
21. Take it back down, put in trailer.
22. Put ladder back.
Repeat 17. - 22. for several weeks.
There you have it...

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