Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Is this you?

How in the world…
did I ever live my life without You

From first breath in the morning
To last thought at night
You sing Your song over me
You wrap Your arms around me
We dance a dance of love over all eternity

for what I was made for
is to praise You
to worship you
To honor you
It is the essence of my core
You, Oh, I adore

And yet I turn my back to You
Choose itunes, hulu, social connections
When You – gave - me – this - life
gave every connection I ever need

You love me sooo much,
You sent your Son to die,
I wouldn’t send my son
No, no way and I love the world
Or I thought I did
Until I saw I it through Your eyes, Your love

You love me sooo much,
You sent the power of Your holy spirit to dwell within me.
That power of sweet serenity
That I am able to tap into for ALL eternity

In my own power I am absolutely nothing
With out Your Son I am a dirty mess
With out Your Spirit my muddy feet are sucked into the mire of nothingness
With out…

I cease to exist

How in the world…
did I ever live my life without You

From first breath in the morning
To last thought at night
You sing your song over me
You wrap Your arms around me
We dance a dance of love over all eternity

So one more time
I allow Your song to pour over me
Feel Your arms embrace me
Move in the dance of Your foreverness

So one more time
I try to get it right
This day,
This moment
I choose to turn off the electricity
and seek Your face…
bask in Your authenticity

Today…I am going to

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