Sunday, October 9, 2011

this is a ball...

This is a ball…

It is a bouncy multi-colored ball that lights up when you drop it…
I found this bouncy ball at work one day…
It sparked a creative idea in my head…
I often wonder about creativity and how creativity happens.
I keep track of ideas I have that are inspired by the world around me. Sometimes I know exactly what the idea will lead to, other times I do not.
Specifically I deal with stage designing and experiential elements.

For example: one idea that I knew where I was going with it came from a quick simply question from my brother. Which was, “what do you think about QR codes?” This is what happened with that thought.


Another idea I had was from a rubber mat at a library. I have no clue when or where I will use the idea (it has to do with the “feel” of walking across the mat). Super bouncy.
This is my reminder of that mat. It's an actual picture of that inspirational mat.

Who knows…it will find a way into some sort of design or experiential element. I just don’t know when or what.
That is the way it is with creative ideas.

These are just a few things which have inspired creative ideas for staging & experiential elements:
  1. A ceiling (at the Cheesecake Factory)
  2. From retail establishments
  3. Pony-tails
  4. Scrabble board
  5. TV
  6. Simply exploring on the internet
  7. A bouncy ball (which lit up)
  8. Watching SYTYCD
  9. Reading other creative’s blogs
  10. Starbucks
  11. Brainstorming with our team
  12. Ikea
  13. Talking with my brother (several ideas)
  14. On top of a ladder
  15. Doughnuts
  16. Iconography
  17. Reading the Bible
  18. Old dilapidated church
  19. Driving (this one is hard, because I either have to remember or stop and write the idea down)
  20. Home Depot (amazing place)
  21. The “Lion King” (the stage play)
  22. Reading (in general)
  23. S.T.O.M.P.
  24. Various types of material
  25. The stars in the sky
For me, this is the way the creativity happens, or the cookie crumbles, or the ball bounces...

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